We Are Home...Thanks for Praying!

Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for praying for our trip! Camp Monty was amazing and we made new friends from Florida, Tennessee, Romania, Hungary...and of course Montenegro!

At the closing service last Friday night there were about 80 people, youth and adults, who responded to an invitation to learn more about what it means to have a personal relationship with God. Pray for these people and Pastor Stan (American pastor of THE ONLY evangelical church in Nisic) as he follows up with them. Pray that the Holy Spirit will draw those 80 and many more to the arms of Christ! The light of the Gospel was proclaimed in a very dark country, and we know that the Gospel is more powerful than any words spoken in any language!

Continue to be in prayer for our team members. Several are out of a job now and/or at crossroads concerning work, careers and life. Pray that they will hear clearly direction from the Lord.

Finally, let me ask selfishly for prayer for Scott and I. As you may know, Scott injured his right shoulder very badly last Thursday on the trip playing basketball. He is visiting an orthopedic specialist today and will more than likely have surgery as soon as possible. From the initial readings from the MRIs, the damage looks significant and worse than we thought. Pray that we will make the right decision regarding surgery and the best MD to do that. Pray for Scott as he is going on a week handling a lot of pain, lack of sleep, etc. And, while less significant, we arrived home to find my car dead. Pray that it is JUST the battery, which is easy and cheap to replace!

Thanks again, and be sure to check out pictures on all of our FB profiles, but especially our resident photographer's, Rachel! :) She took some awesome pics!

A Few Important Things

Our team leaves for Montenegro this Thursday July 23! Please join the FB group to receive updates while we are gone, see who's going, and how you can pray for us!

Next Tuesday July 28 Bible study is CANCELLED due to the missions trip and Overnight Camp! We will resume the following Tuesday, August 4...we will be jet-lagged, but we will be there!

Sunday August 2 Sunday School is CANCELLED church-wide for the Camp Straight Street service.

Missions Update and Other Info

We all had a great time at the beach last weekend! One of out biggest groups to go with us, we had a total of 22 people! That did include 3 high schoolers, the Long girls and Abby Clark, but I know they were blessed by the opportunity to go to the beach with some of their church friends while home from the mission field!

All the girls at the docks at Capt Andersons....sorry guys, noone got any pics of yall!

Two weeks from today our team will be on their way to Montenegro...they leave on Thursday July 23 and return Monday August 3. Please join the Facebook group HERE to join with other friends and family to pray for the team and keep up to date with their preparations!

Finally, don't forget to become a fan of Compass College Ministry on Facebook! The fan page will replace the old Facebook group!

Beach Details

We leave tomorrow for the beach! And all reservations are booked and ready!

Thursday 10AM Ann Marie will take a small group down. Call her if you want to be included!!
Thursday 6PM Scott will take everyone else

What to Bring:
Bedding/sleeping bags/pillow
Bath towels/washclothes
Beach towel
Beach floaties/umbrellas/etc.
Money for one dinner out and food on the road

$125 covers lodging, meals exept for one dinner, and transportation

Panama City Beach
Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center
(Thursday nite at La Quinta Inn in Panama City)

Whitewater Rafting Trip

OK if you've kept up with the date changes on Facebook, I promise this is the final call! Here's all the details!

WHEN: June 19-20 Leaving B'ham around 5:30 Friday evening, returning about that time Saturday

WHERE: Chattanooga, TN and the Occoee River

HOW MUCH: $60 will cover rafting and hotel room. Breakfast included, all other meals on your own.


  • Swimsuit with t-shirt or tank top (tankini or one-piece is most practical for girls with shorts)

  • Water shoes, Salomons, Tevas, or old sneakers to wear rafting. Absoloutly NO flip flips or open backed shoes. Footwear must be secure.

  • Beach towel


  • We will be staying in downtown Chattanooga, so there's plenty of eating places and other things to do.

  • We will be changing at the river out of wet clothes to come home, so be sure to pack appropriately

  • One small bag/backpack for luggage

Summer Tuesday Nights

This summer at Compass College Ministry we are taking a break from studying the Book of John. Instead we will be talking about different issues and topics that we all face and have questions about. Most importantly, we will turn to the Scripture to explore what God has to say about these things.

Last week, we talked about The Gospel, rehearsing it's truth and reminding ourselves of our need to continually focus on The Gospel. The Gospel is not only for our salvation, but also our sanctification.

Tonight, we will be talking about Heaven. Where, and when, is it? Who, and what, will be there? What is so important about Resurrection? These things are important to understand, as it gives us hope for our future and a glimpse of God's eternal plan.

Feel free to come, bringing questions! And if you have a topic that you would like discussed this summer, let me or Scott know!

Road Trip Details

OK we are a few days away from the Road Trip! Here's more details and packing info!

  • We will be back in Birmingham sometime Sunday morning, at least in time for Kristin to be at the Baccalaureate service at SMIC and Graduation that afternoon.
  • Pack only in ONE BAG = one bag that you can carry yourself! When we get to NYC we will park in New Jersey and take the train and subway into Manhattan, so you need to be able to get your stuff thru several train and subway stops and lots of walking!

Here's some things you DO need to pack:

  • Bath towel and/or washcloth: we are staying with the Owens 2 nights so this will cut down on Mrs. Owen's laundry after we leave. Also, the apartment in NYC provides very limited linens
  • Pillow: again with the sleeping arrangements, there may not be a pillow available for everyone
  • Good walking shoes: we will take the subways alot, but the BEST way to see these cities is by foot!
  • Rain gear/small umbrella/rain jacket: the forecast calls for chances of rain everyday. And trust me, when it starts raining in NYC, everyone rushes to the small stores and snaps the umbrellas up quickly!

UPDATED: Itinerary For Road Trip

Tuesday May 26

  • 3 AM leave SMIC
  • Dinner-time arrive in Virginia; eat then "checkin" at the Owens' house
  • Spend the night with the Owens

Wednesday May 27

  • All day sightseeing in Washington DC
  • Spend the night again at the Owens'

Thursday May 28

  • 8 AM leave Virginia for NYC
  • 3 PM Check in at apartment in NYC

Friday May 29

  • All day in NYC

Saturday May 30

  • 1 PM leave NYC for home

Sunday May 31

  • 1 PM (???) arrive home

Annual College Road Trip!!!

Well the road trip is upon us, so I guess it's time we planned something!

This year, we have decided to visit Washington DC and New York City! Here's all, or at least some, of the info:

When: May 25-31

Where: Washington DC and New York City

How: We will take the church van(s). We will stay at least 2 nights while in DC with Herb and Marilyn Owen (Jonathan's parents) and at least 1 night in NYC in a TBD hotel or apartment.

How Much: $200 will get your transportation and lodging, possibly less. You'll need to pay for meals, any recreation, and shopping. Keep in mind that just about anything you'll want to do in DC is FREE! Plan a little money to pay for subways in both cities. And, as always, if your cash-strapped, you can make payments through the summer to pay us back for the trip.

What: RSVP to the Facebook Event soon to reserve your spot!

Summer Missions Info Meeting

We are having an information meeting about the summer missions trip to Montenegro this Tuesday, May 5, at 6:00 PM, in the Jones House.

Please come if you are even remotely interested! We will discuss what the trip with be about, the cost, fundraising and other important info!

Check out this post on the details of the trip!

Summer Small Groups

Summer is coming! For most of you, that means no classes, some trips to the beach, relaxing with friends, or working to save some cash for next school year. But we want to encourage you to make this summer focused on growing your relationship with God. Put Him first. Spend time with Him every day in prayer and studying the Word.

To help you achieve this we are starting small groups this summer. All groups will study John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life. This study calls you to a different kind of Christianity; one that lives for God's glory and fame before anything else. The typical American Christianity won't cut it.

Details will be coming with who is leading groups on specific days, so stay tuned. You can pick your leader and/or day that fits your schedule.

College Group on Tuesday Nights

Every Tuesday night is our Bible study for the college group. We meet at the Jones House on the SMIC campus. Before Bible study we eat dinner together too! It's free, but we do ask that if you can spare a few dollars every now and then, that you contribute. "What you can, when you can"

Tonight, we have guest chefs cooking for us! Toby and Joy Moreland are making delectable lasagna and salad! Toby and Joy will soon be leaving us for the thriving metropolis of Mobile, so Toby can continue his education and training to become a physician's assistant. We will certainly miss them!

photo via Facebook from Gresham Photography

Good Friday Service at SMIC

For the last several years, our church has partnered with 3 other local, independent churches to come together for community worship on Good Friday. Each church takes a turn in hosting the service and providing the music and communion, with all the pastors participating in some manner.

This year it's our turn to host and Kevin and Harry have agreed to let Adoration Band do the service, Adoration-style! The band has taken a hiatus and we haven't heard from them since Christmas, so I am really looking forward to this!

Fullness Christian Fellowship, Shades Valley Community and Shades Mountain Bible are the other bodies involved. I have friends at each, so it's always great to see them and worship with them!

So, come, invite a friend or neighbor, and prepare your heart to remember, meditate on, and celebrate the Cross of Christ.

College Ministry Summer Missions 2009

Here's some info on the first-ever college ministry summer missions trip!

Camp Monty in Montenegro
· Montenegro lies across the Adriatic Sea east of Italy
· Part of the former Yugoslavia Republic
· Croatia and Bosnia are the closest neighbors
· Niksic is the city that Camp Monty is held in, located in a mountainous region of the country

· Camp Monty runs July 27-31
· Depart Birmingham July 23, return August 3
· The weekend before camp starts will be spent recruiting kids for camp and making contact with the local church
· The weekend after camp will be spent sightseeing around the region and/or in Dubrovnik, Croatia, a popular resort town on the Adriatic Sea

· We are asking everyone to raise $2,000 for airfare, lodging, meals and ground transportation
· This also includes money for supplies we will need to take with us
· Bring extra money for shopping, extra snacks/meals, etc. Bring this in US Dollars or a Visa card. We can exchange for Euros when we arrive in Montenegro.
· We will fly into Dublin, Ireland, and then fly Air Lingus to Dubrovnik, Croatia. We will then rent buses/vans to drive into Niksic, Montenegro.
· We will be planning fundraisers this spring to help get you started, but get working on your support letters as soon as possible. We can help you put together a packet too.
· We will stay in a hotel in Niksic called Hotel Onogost for the duration of the trip, except for time in Dubrovnik. Accommodations in Dubrovnik are TBD.
· To reach the children and teens of Montenegro for Christ
· Day Camp using basketball and soccer, English classes, art classes and evening rallies
· There are only 3 evangelical churches in the entire country, with approximately 125 believers
· This small country is the newest country in the world, having gained independence in 2006, but it is one of the most un-reached in Eastern Europe
· Eric and Lynn Murphy are the local missionaries that we will be assisting. Eric has done camp in Montenegro for the last 2 years and greatly needs the assistance of short-term teams. Eric was just at SMIC in February for our Missions Conference and that is how we learned of this need. The Murphy's have been long-time friends of Scott and his family! Eric and Lynn live in Hungary, but minister all over Eastern Europe. Check out his website at http://www.lifeimpactforeternity.org/

· Basketball and soccer clinics in the mornings of each day of camp
· English "classes"/conversational instruction after lunch 2-4 PM
· Art/craft classes are around 4:15 PM
· Dinner at 6 PM with optional evening rally following
· All meals will be at the hotel, prices included in your trip fee
· We possibly will be participating in the evening rallies with music, but that also is TBD

NOW What?
· Pray about going and talk it over with parents/mentors
· Fill out Missions Application. You can pick that up from Rachel in Scott's office or have her email it to you
· Talk to Scott and/or Ann Marie if you want more details on the trip. We are so excited for this opportunity and to lead our first college ministry missions trip. We want everyone to consider coming!

Something To Talk About

Jon at Stuff Christians Like has quickly become one of my favorite blog-writers. He makes me cry because I laugh so hard, but he also looks at our Christian Culture Bubble in a serious light sometimes. He pokes fun at the sometimes-crazy things we as Christians so, but underneath the sarcasm is truth that makes you think and evaluate what you really believe or why you do something. He's open and vulnerable about himself too, and that's just refreshing.
One of his posts this week is called "Asking God if He wants you to go on an adventure" and it struck me as being relevant to some of you and the "life stage" that you might find yourself in. (I hate the term life stage now...waaay over-used.)

Anyway, go read it. Think about it. Let me know what you think, and I'll let you know what I think. (This is also my way of testing to see if anyone reads this blog...granted, I haven't posted on it in quite sometime, but still. Want to know if you're paying attention to this.)

Do you think Jon's assessment is correct?
Do you feel that way, sometimes, maybe all the time?
There seems to be a Christian sub-culture that promotes doing justice/adventure-type work (think, Bloodwater Mission, Bedouins, even Toms), so how do you feel about Jon's conclusion?
How does this make you feel about missionaries?

Post a comment or two and lets discuss this. Or bring it up when we're hanging out this week.

Happy Spring Break!

I haven't updated in a while, so I thought I would do that and wish everyone a happy spring break! I know so many of you are working and studying so hard this semester! Scott and I have been praying for you...hang in there!

Here's a few things coming up for the summer season:

Annual Road Trip
We'll head West for the first time in roadtrip history! Dates are TBD, but probably in May....

First-Ever College Ministry Missions Trip

Location: Montenegro (Eastern Europe)

Dates: July 25-August 2 (give or take a few days)

Why: We will help run a day camp for children and teens in the city (town?) of Niksic. We need students willing to teach conversational English classes (i.e.-just talk to them); a couple artists to help teach arts/crafts clinics; atheletes to help with basketball and soccer clinics.

Cost: TBD

Photo at Flickr

About this blog

Dates to Remember

  • Sundays in the Jones House: 9:30 AM for coffee, bagels and prayer
  • Tuesdays in the Jones House: 6:30 PM for Dinner and 7:30 PM for Bible Study