Summer Missions Info Meeting

We are having an information meeting about the summer missions trip to Montenegro this Tuesday, May 5, at 6:00 PM, in the Jones House.

Please come if you are even remotely interested! We will discuss what the trip with be about, the cost, fundraising and other important info!

Check out this post on the details of the trip!

Summer Small Groups

Summer is coming! For most of you, that means no classes, some trips to the beach, relaxing with friends, or working to save some cash for next school year. But we want to encourage you to make this summer focused on growing your relationship with God. Put Him first. Spend time with Him every day in prayer and studying the Word.

To help you achieve this we are starting small groups this summer. All groups will study John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life. This study calls you to a different kind of Christianity; one that lives for God's glory and fame before anything else. The typical American Christianity won't cut it.

Details will be coming with who is leading groups on specific days, so stay tuned. You can pick your leader and/or day that fits your schedule.

College Group on Tuesday Nights

Every Tuesday night is our Bible study for the college group. We meet at the Jones House on the SMIC campus. Before Bible study we eat dinner together too! It's free, but we do ask that if you can spare a few dollars every now and then, that you contribute. "What you can, when you can"

Tonight, we have guest chefs cooking for us! Toby and Joy Moreland are making delectable lasagna and salad! Toby and Joy will soon be leaving us for the thriving metropolis of Mobile, so Toby can continue his education and training to become a physician's assistant. We will certainly miss them!

photo via Facebook from Gresham Photography

Good Friday Service at SMIC

For the last several years, our church has partnered with 3 other local, independent churches to come together for community worship on Good Friday. Each church takes a turn in hosting the service and providing the music and communion, with all the pastors participating in some manner.

This year it's our turn to host and Kevin and Harry have agreed to let Adoration Band do the service, Adoration-style! The band has taken a hiatus and we haven't heard from them since Christmas, so I am really looking forward to this!

Fullness Christian Fellowship, Shades Valley Community and Shades Mountain Bible are the other bodies involved. I have friends at each, so it's always great to see them and worship with them!

So, come, invite a friend or neighbor, and prepare your heart to remember, meditate on, and celebrate the Cross of Christ.

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Dates to Remember

  • Sundays in the Jones House: 9:30 AM for coffee, bagels and prayer
  • Tuesdays in the Jones House: 6:30 PM for Dinner and 7:30 PM for Bible Study